lazy h performs counting sheep at brownswood basement sessions

Lazy H shows off the live band version of Counting Sheep, off his fort-coming album Where’s Bill? at the Brownswood Basement. Taking part in the fourth edition of the Brownswood Recording’s Future Bubblers program, Lazy H links up with long-time friend Joel Whitaker on guitar and fellow bubbler MettaShiba 慈柴 on drums to create a context where he can let his jazz influences really shine alongside his love of synths and wacky textures.

Clash Magazine was kind enough to premiere the video, so do check that out here.

‘Counting Sheep’ appears on the record, and we’ve grabbed this frisky workout from Lazy H’s three-piece live ensemble.

There are shades of Herbie Hancock or Chick Corea at work here, given a furiously forward-facing workout.